Thursday, 9 June 2016



Once there was a queen who had no king. The King had died many a years before and the queen had taken the reigns of kingdom in her hands and ruled over his people who were so loyal to the queen and peace prosperity prevailed all -over. There was mystery shrouding over the death of he king whom people had completely forgotten as the queen was a good ruler and besides possessed enchanting beauty and had mesmerizing traits. The king as was remembered by a few old guards was of no virtues and whiled away his time in pursuit of temporary pleasures and had hardly any interest in royal disposition. The queen, who had very poor background and had belonged to far off lands, knew very little about royalty , about kings ,queens & palaces, and understood nothing about schemes, deceits and intrigues. The queen soon finds out that the King was not worthy of being a king and she believed , would soon be overthrown or sidelined by some hawk. The queen did try to council the king to mend his ways and behave with responsibility and in the manner befitting a king. But the King was a king for name's sake and ignored his people and the kingdom. It is said that when the queen was certain that king shall not change did she plan his murder and ultimately succeeded in eliminating the worthless king with the help of a few very confidants who were first given lot many gifts to keep the secret but were soon murdered , one by one, to ensure secrets remain ever a secret, as is so common with power and palaces. The queen did appear before his people on regular basis and promised to serve his kingdom, subjects and ensure peace and prosperity for all. The queen was young in age and looked for young robust stallions to serve the ' queen ' and also to make no mention of sexual errands. The male partners were chosen and picked with care and precision and always almost in doubles, in case one show fatigue and frustration during such encounters. The male companions were washed, oiled and rubbed with fragrance and fed such foods which shall stand in good stead in sexual ferocity. The queen, as was known to just a few was very aggressive and ruthless in bed that any laxity or weakness would send the helper to gallows or to such places where from no one was believed had returned alive. Those who proved their male-hood to the fulfillment of sexual behavior of enchanting queen were not allowed to leave and were kept at hand and used over & over again, without any knowledge to the outside world. They were required to behave like beasts and almost kill the young queen in sexual bouts. The lovely queen pursued her sexual behavior with rigorous aggressiveness and tried so many young men, almost in hundreds and it can be safely said, did spare not one who had good looks and broad shoulders and male toughness. It continued for many years almost a few decades and kept the Queen in mood, glow and grandeur. The urge however, very gradually reduced and the bed was replaced by music , pools and massage , till late in the night and merry making , with very selected male partners who were far young in age and promised to arouse passion in ' not so young ( anymore ) Queen. The Queen ruled by the day and enjoyed to the full in the night and all were happy, and peace prevailed all-over. The subjects were so happy and praised and prayed for the nice Queen, till her death. It is said tht even when she was near death, did she have a lover with her to arouse her in passion.






Smile now & always bcz it costs nothing and will do immense good. It is free and is a therapy for gloom,

grief, worry and anxiety. Bear the smile and glow shall show in the face. " She smiled & turned my life around
".Warm smile is a universal language for care, comfort, ease & ecstasy. Smile stirs the soul and the sad turn
happy. It rained for days and the moment i smiled at the sky, the sun appeared from behind the clouds and
smiled back at me.Smile has a curve & the result is always straight. When there is no escape, show a smile ;
the gates of heaven & happiness will come open. One who has the sense of humor, do bear always a smile and
have beauty in the face and lighness & kindness within. I want smuiling people around' who seeks the company of
those who only weep ? Pushpa, i hate tears. The wise men smile in trouble & gather strength to wade-off
distress. You smile and people know you are nice, caring and sharing person. You smile and the reflection
smiles too and the happiness is doubled. A smile is a must to increase the trust and to enhance the FAITH.