Seat is a seat, one may say but the ' window seat ' has altogether a different meaning , as we shall try to analyze. Window seat is allotted on specific request; otherwise generally one is allotted the other seat. Window seat is closest to the window while the other seats are away from the window. So far so good. The seat within means the interior of plane, your hosts going up & down the gully, in identical outfits and you watching them helplessly, without being allowed to leave the seat or shift the posture. The reprimand is repeated over & over again to warn you to keep the ' seat straight ' and remain buckled and belt fastened.
You are virtually caged whereas peacocks move about without purpose and without your consent or permission. Before we describe the experiences of one, who is at the window seat, with the shade up or down, we would tackle the passengers sitting ' within '. They have the same monotony, same gully, same air-hostess to watch and follow with eyes throughout the journey and looking at the only cock-pit door, which is mostly kept shut. Insiders watch, see and feel soon bored watching the shoulders, tresses, backs, child and infants, bags and over-head cabins, cries and smiles, servings and tea trays, lights and calls, water and drinks and the watchful eyes of warden and the other crew ' on board '. To the contrary, the one who is at the window seat, is connected to the outside world, to know and watch what is happening outside the plane; in air but watching those who are grounded; you are aware, awake, watching and waiting and following the nice take-off and relieving landing, the actual touch down and the run-away running away fast with formidable speed to utter belief and much relief. God is outside and Pilot is inside; nature is watched, appreciated and experienced through the window which is open but closed to air, the mystic earth, the majestic creations, the cloud patterns and broken movements, the open sky, the towers down below, the roofs and tops, to the human insects and match-box size vehicles.
Dance to the tune; is dreaming with your own feet ,dance to each other, and with music; dance until the end of this life;
dance to the fact that kids are grown up and we are ' on our own ; dance to our health; dance for fact that limbs are moving and eyes can rotate; dance now as the time is brief and while the show is ' still On ';
dance till the curtains are not downed; dance and let me see the figure, beauty, curvature and contour; dance to the
freedom from pain'; On to the floor, for the dance; to dance, to each other, while witness is withdrawn;
dance to the feel of nature; to the swaying of daffodils, in the light breeze ; dance to the friends; dance for
an excuse. Dance and dance that we are alive and kicking as on date. DANCE WHEN YOU ARE EXTREMELY HAPPY-IN AIR- OPEN SKY-FREE BODY-WITH LIFE.
Silence is golden if you can sustain it. . I chose to stay silent no matter how much you pester, prevail upon or prompt me . I would not say a word. What is the use of wasting one's breath, words on people who don't listen. Sometimes it is very peaceful if you say nothing . Absolutely nothing. Just roll your eyes and let them make their own wild guesses what goes within ; they may be right or wrong in their conclusions but you have no role in that '.There is real romance in silence. I loved her in silence, without her perhaps knowing it or suspecting anything '.. To love in loneliness, without uttering a word. In silence you only can hear yourself. Does silence mean non-communication. Silence shall defer reactions, decisions, opinion forming, deciding counter, because nothing was heard. Silence saves a lot of effort. A lot of explanation is skipped. When silent, you look bleak and very difficult for others to know truth & form opinion for definite. It leaves people wondering ' what is going on ?'. One has to be extremely stubborn to say nothing; a hard-nut, to keep lips sewed. You try hard and get nothing in return. It puts many controversies ' on rest '. Remaining silent is an art. Silence is a true friend who never betrays. If silent, you don't need to explain, apologize , give clarification, since you said nothing. One who remains silent makes fewer enemies, remains away from controversies. A silent person laughs with himself & on the folly of others who expect you divulge something, which they wish to hear. SILENCE MEANS NEITHER YES NOR NO. . So friends try to remain SILENT like-me.